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December 2024 - Extraordinary Part-I
Date of Issue Contents
152 03.12.2024

PUDUCHERRY PLANNING AUTHORITY, PUDUCHERRY: NOTIFICATION:The Government of Puducherry has approved the change of land use in respect of the below mentioned lands in the Puducherry Planning Area, Puducherry, from the present land use in the notified Comprehensive Development Plan for Puducherry Planning Area – 2036 to various uses, vide G.O. Ms. No. 2/2024-Hg., dated 15-03-2024 of the Chief Secretariat (Housing), Government of Puducherry.

153 05.12.2024

PUDUCHERRY PLANNING AUTHORITY, PUDUCHERRY:NOTIFICATION:The Government of Puducherry has approved the change of land use in respect of the below mentioned lands in the Puducherry Planning Area, Puducherry, from the present land use in the notified Comprehensive Development Plan for Puducherry Planning Area – 2036 to various uses, vide G.O. Ms. No. 17/2024-Hg., dated 28-10-2024 of the Chief Secretariat (Housing), Government of Puducherry.

154 05.12.2024

DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE AND DISASTER MANAGEMENT: ORDER:The Puducherry, Yanam and Karaikal regions of Union territory of Puducherry are hereby declared as Natural Calamity affected area for the Fasli Year 1434 Commencing with 1st July, 2024 and ending with 30th June, 2025 on account of d evastating damages that were caused by t he Cyclonic Storm, “Fengal ” during the month of November – December 2024.

155 19.12.2024

FINANCE DEPARTMENT (WAYS AND MEANS): NOTIFICATION:T he Lie ute nant -G o ve r nor as Ad mini st r at o r o f t he U nio n t e r ri t o ry of P ud uche r ry, he r e by not i fie s the sale of Puducherry Government Stock (Securities) of 11 year tenure for an aggregate amount of 125 crore (Rupees one hundred and twenty-five crore only) [Nominal]. The sale will be subject to the terms and conditions spelt out in this notification (called Specific Notification), as also the terms and conditions specified in the General Notification in G.O. Ms. No. 1/FD(W&M)/2008, dated January 8, 2008 of the Finance Department (Ways and Means), Government of Puducherry.

156 19.12.2024

TRANSPORT SECRETARIAT: NOTIFICATION: The Lieutenant-Governor, Puducherry, having regard to all the matters mentioned in sub-section (1) of section 67 of the said Act, hereby issues the
following directions regarding the fixing of fares for the Stage Carriages plying under the permits issued by the State Transport Authority, Puducherry.

157 26.12.2024

PUDUCHERRY PLANNING AUTHORITY, PUDUCHERRY: NOTIFICATION: The Government of Puducherry has approved the change of land use in respect of the below mentioned lands in the Puducherry Planning Area, Puducherry, from the present land use in the notified Comprehensive Development Plan for Puducherry Planning Area – 2036, to various uses vide G.O. Ms. No. 17/2024-Hg., dated 28-10-2024 of the Chief Secretariat (Housing), Government of Puducherry.

158 31.12.2024

COMMERCIAL TAXES SECRETARIAT: NOTIFICATION: Puducherry Goods and Services Tax Act, 2017 (6 of 2017), the Lieutenant-Governor, Puducherry, on the recommendations of the Council, hereby makes the following rules further to amend the Puducherry Goods and Services Tax Rules, 2017.

159 31.12.2024

COMMERCIAL TAXES SECRETARIAT: NOTIFICATION: Lieutenant-Governor, Puducherry, on the recommendations of the Council, hereby notifies the following special procedure for rectification of order, to be followed by the class of registered persons (hereinafter referred to as the said person), against whom any order under section 73 or section 74 or section 107 or section 108 of the said Act has been issued confirming demand for wrong availment of input tax credit, on account of contravention of provisions of sub-section (4) of section 16 of the said Act.

160 31.12.2024

COMMERCIAL TAXES SECRETARIAT: NOTIFICATION: Lieutenant-Governor, Puducherry, on the recommendations of the Council, hereby makes the following further amendments in the notification of the Commercial Taxes Secretariat, Government of Puducherry, issued vide G.O. Ms. No. 1/2017-Puducherry GST (Rate), dated 29th June, 2017, published in the Gazette of Puducherry, Extraordinary Part-I, No. 95, dated 29th June, 2017.