Issue No |
Date of Issue | Contents |
177 | 02.09.2021 | LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY SECRETARIAT: NOTIFICATION: The following documents were laid on the Table of the Legislative Assembly on 02-09-2021 forComptroller and Auditor-General of India on Union Territory Finances for the year ended March, 2019 and 2020; Appropriation Accounts 2018-2019 and 2019-2020. |
178 | 02.09.2021 | STATE ELECTION COMMISSION: NOTIFICATION: Puducherry Municipal Councils (Conduct of Election of Chairman) Rules, 1996, the State Election Commissioner, Puducherry, hereby nominates the officer of the Government of Puducherry, Assistant Returning Officer to assist the Returning Officer. |
179 | 02.09.2021 | LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY SECRETARIAT: NOTIFICATION: Lieutenant-Governor, Puducherry, after consultation with the Speaker, hereby appoints 30th, 31st August and 1st September, 2021, as the days on which the general discussion on the Budget for the year 2021-2022 shall take place on the Floor of the House. |
180 | 03.09.2021 | LOCAL ADMINISTRATION SECRETARIAT: NOTIFICATION: Reservation of seats for Scheduled Castes, Scheduled Tribes, Backward Classes, Scheduled Caste Women, Scheduled Tribe Women and General Women in the Village Panchayats for the purpose of conduct of Elections to the Village Panchayats. |
181 | 03.09.2021 | STATE ELECTION COMMISSION: ORDER: Puducherry Local Bodies Election (Incidental Provisions with regard to filing of Nomination by the Candidates) Order, 2021. |
182 | 03.09.2021 | OFFICE OF THE RETURNING OFFICER PONDICHERRY MUNICIPALITY: NOTIFICATION: Pondicherry Municipal Councils (Conduct of Election of Councillors) Rules, 1974, read with the Pondicherry Municipal Councils (Election of Chairman) Rules, 1996, the Returning Officer hereby provides for Municipal Wards, with the previous approval of the State Election Commission. |
183 | 06.09.2021 | STATE ELECTION COMMISSION: NOTIFICATION: Pondicherry Village and Commune Panchayats Act, 1973 and 15A of the Pondicherry Municipalities Act, 1973 and in supersession of the previous Order No. SEC/1-9(Secy.)/Civic Elec./ 2012/248, dated 17-10-2012, the following officials of Government of Puducherry are designated as Secretaries to the State Election Commission. |
184 | 06.09.2021 | HOME DEPARTMENT: NOTIFICATION: Puducherry Prevention of Anti-social Activities Act, 2008 (Act No. 10 of 2010), the Lieutenant-Governor, Puducherry, having been satisfied that the the said Act in respect of the jurisdiction for a further period of six months from 14-09-2021. |
185 | 13.09.2021 | STATE ELECTION COMMISSION: NOTIFICATION: Corrigendum is issued to the statement showing the allotment of reserved seats in Village Panchayat Ward Members in Ariyankuppam Commune Panchayat, Bahour Commune Panchayat and T.R. Pattinam Commune Panchayat of the Notification No. 1-4/M&P/Res/2021-22, dated 23-08-2021 of this Commission. |
186 | 15.09.2021 | ELECTIONS DEPARTMENT (MINISTRY OF LAW AND JUSTICE): NOTIFICATION: Representation of the People Act, 1951 (43 of 1951), the President is pleased to call upon the elected members of the Legislative Assembly of the Union territory of Puducherry to elect one Member to the Council of States, in accordance with the provisions of the said Act. |
187 | 15.09.2021 | STATE ELECTION COMMISSION: NOTIFICATION: Pondicherry Municipal Councils (Conduct of Election of Chairman) Rules, 1996, the State Election Commissioner, Puducherry, hereby nominates the Officers of the Government of Puducherry, as Assistant Returning Officer to assist the Returning Officer. |
188 | 15.09.2021 | OFFICE OF THE RETURNING OFFICER FOR THE BIENNIAL ELECTION TO THE COUNCIL OF STATES: NOTIFICATION: Notice of the Biennial Election to the Council of States in Form-I (Tamil and English) issued under rule 3 of the Conduct of Elections Rules, 1961, is hereby published for information of the public. |
189 | 15.09.2021 | THE SUBDIVISIONAL MAGISTRATE (SOUTH) AT VILLIANUR: ORDER: M.C. No. 245/2021, I.R.No. 67/2021 under section 144 of Cr.P.C./1619. |
190 | 16.09.2021 | STATE ELECTION COMMISSION: NOTIFICATION: State Election Commission appoints Thiru Ashok Kumar, I.A.S., Secretary to Government (Revenue/ Relief-cum-Rehabilitation/Transport/Education and Port) as General Observer for Civic Elections 2021. |
191 | 16.09.2021 | HOME DEPARTMENT: NOTIFICATION: (List of Public Polidays 2022) Lieutenant-Governor of the Union territory of Puducherry hereby declares the undermentioned days in the Calendar Year 2022 shall be Public Holidays for all Government Offices/Institutions under the control of the Government of Union territory of Puducherry. |
192 | 16.09.2021 | OFFICE OF THE RETURNING OFFICER (BAHOUR COMMUNE PANCHAYAT): NOTIFICATION:Corrigendum on the Notification No. 05/RO/BCP/Elec./2021, dated 17-08-2021, published in the Gazette of Puducherry, Extraordinary Part-I, No. 159, dated 24-08-2021, is republished with the previous approval of the State Election Commission. |
193 | 16.09.2021 | OFFICE OF THE RETURNING OFFICER (NETTAPAKKAM COMMUNE PANCHAYAT): NOTIFICATION: Corrigendum is issued for the one Polling Station address in Ward No. 5 of Maducarai (West) Village Panchayat which has been mentioned with a Polling Station address at Korkadu Village due to Erratic Mistake, may be corrected. |
194 | 17.09.2021 | STATE ELECTION COMMISSION: NOTIFICATION: Puducherry Local Bodies Elections (Insertion of NOTA in Recording of Votes) Order, 2021. |
195 | 17.09.2021 | LAW DEPARTMENT: NOTIFICATION: The Ministry of Law and Justice, Legislative Department, Government of India, New Delhi, has published the Essential Defense Services Ordinance, 2021. |
196 | 23.09.2021 | CHIEF SECRETARIAT FINANCE DEPARTMENT (WAYS AND MEANS): NOTIFICATION: Lieutenant-Governor as Administrator of the Union territory of Puducherry, hereby notifies the sale of Puducherry Government Stock (Securities) of 5 year tenure for an aggregate amount of ` 123.86 crore (Rupees One hundred twenty three crore and eighty-six lakh only). |
196 | 23.09.2021 | CHIEF SECRETARIAT FINANCE DEPARTMENT (WAYS AND MEANS): NOTIFICATION: Lieutenant-Governor as Administrator of the Union territory of Puducherry, hereby notifies the sale of Puducherry Government Stock (Securities) of 5 year tenure for an aggregate amount of ` 123.86 crore (Rupees One hundred twenty three crore and eighty-six lakh only). |
197 | 23.09.2021 | LAW DEPARTMENT: NOTIFICATION: The Consumer Protection Act, 2019. |
198 | 23.09.2021 | STATE ELECTION COMMISSION: NOTIFICATION: Corrigendum is issued to the statement showing the allotment of reserved seat for Scheduled Tribes in Village Panchayat Ward Members in Bahour Commune Panchayat of the Notification No. 1-4/M&P/Res./ 2021-22, dated 23-08-2021. |
199 | 23.09.2021 | STATE ELECTION COMMISSION: NOTIFICATION: State Election Commissioner, Puducherry, hereby designates the Assistant Returning Officers as specified in Column (3) as against the officers specified in column (4) for conducting election of Council Members of Commune Panchayat Councils, Presidents and Members of Village Panchayats from the Commune Panchayat Wards, Village Panchayat Wards and Village Panchayats. |
200 | 23.09.2021 | STATE ELECTION COMMISSION: NOTIFICATION: Corrigendum is issued to the statement showing the allotment of reserved seat for Scheduled Caste, Scheduled Tribes and General (Women) in Ward Members in Oulgaret Municipality of the Notification No. 1-4/M&P/Res./2021-22, dated 23-08-2021. |
201 | 23.09.2021 | STATE ELECTION COMMISSION: NOTIFICATION: State Election Commissioner, Puducherry, hereby designates the officer of the Government of Puducherry specified in column as the Returning Officer of all the Municipal Wards of Oulgaret Municipality. |
202 | 23.09.2021 | STATE ELECTION COMMISSION: NOTIFICATION: State Election Commissioner, Puducherry, hereby designates the officer of the Government of Puducherry specified in column as the Assistant Returning Officer of all the Municipal Wards of Oulgaret Municipality. |
203 | 23.09.2021 | STATE ELECTION COMMISSION: NOTIFICATION: Indian Union Muslim League” recognised State Party of Kerala and also having local party address at No. 10, Sanda Sahib Street, Puducherry-605 001 is included in this list at Sl.No. 5 and symbol “Ladder” is allotted and treated as reserved symbol to that party in the Union territory of Puducherry. |
204 | 23.09.2021 | STATE ELECTION COMMISSION: NOTIFICATION: “Indian Union Muslim League” recognised State Party of Kerala and also having local party address at No. 10, Sanda Sahib Street, Puducherry-605 001, is included in this list at Sl.No. 5 and symbol “Ladder” is allotted and treated as reserved symbol to that party in the Union territory of Puducherry. |
205 | 23.09.2021 | DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE AND DISASTER MANAGEMENT: NOTIFICATION: Puducherry Excise Act, 1970 (No. 12 of 1970), the Lieutenant-Governor, Puducherry, is hereby pleased to appoint the following Officers as Excise Inspectors in their respective regions of this Union territory of Puducherry. |
206 | 23.09.2021 | OFFICE
NOTIFICATION: Puducherry Municipal Councils
(Conduct of Election of Councillors) Rules, 1974,
the Returning Officer of Karaikal Municipal Wards,
with the previous approval of the State Election |
207 | 24.09.2021 | LOCAL ADMINISTRATION SECRETARIAT: NOTIFICATION: Lieutenant-Governor, Puducherry, hereby confirms the Amendment Notification issued vide G.O. Ms. No. 35/LAS/2021, dated 03-09-2021 of Local Administration Secretariat, Puducherry and published vide Part-I of the Extraordinary Official Gazette of Puducherry, No. 180, dated 03-09-2021 and orders that it shall be final notification. |
208 | 24.09.2021 | OFFICE OF THE RETURNING OFFICER NEDUNGADU COMMUNE PANCHAYAT: NOTIFICATION: Returning Officer of Nedungadu Commune Panchayat hereby provides for Commune Panchayat Wards/Village Panchayat Wards, with the previous approval of the State Election Commission, the Polling Stations specified in the appended list for the Polling Areas or group of voters against each. |
209 | 24.09.2021 | OFFICE OF THE RETURNING OFFICER NERAVY COMMUNE PANCHAYAT: NOTIFICATION: Returning Officer of Neravy Commune Panchayat hereby provides for Commune Panchayat Wards/Village Panchayat Wards, with the previous approval of the State Election Commissioner, the Polling Stations specified in the appended list for the Polling Areas or group of voters against each. |
210 | 24.09.2021 | OFFICE OF THE RETURNING OFFICER THIRUMALAIRAYAN PATTINAM COMMUNE PANCHAYAT: NOTIFICATION: Returning Officer of Thirumalairayan Pattinam Commune Panchayat hereby provides for Commune Panchayat Wards/Village Panchayat Wards, with the previous approval of the State Election Commissioner, the Polling Stations specified in the appended list for the Polling Areas or group of voters against each. |
211 | 24.09.2021 | OFFICE OF THE RETURNING OFFICER THIRUNALLAR COMMUNE PANCHAYAT: NOTIFICATION: Returning Officer of Thirunallar Commune Panchayat hereby provides for Commune Panchayat Wards/Village Panchayat Wards, with the previous approval of the State Election Commissioner, the Polling Stations specified in the appended list of the Polling Areas or group of voters against each. |
212 | 24.09.2021 | STATE ELECTION COMMISSION: NOTIFICATION: State Election Commissioner, Puducherry, hereby designates the Assistant Returning Officers as specified the officers for conducting election of Council Members of Commune Panchayat Council, Presidents and Members of Village Panchayat from the Commune Panchayat Wards, Village Panchayat Wards and Village Panchayat. |
213 | 24.09.2021 | STATE ELECTION COMMISSION: NOTIFICATION: Corrigendum is issued to the statement showing the allotment of reserved seats in Village Panchayat Ward Members in Ariyankuppam Commune Panchayat and Villianur Commune Panchayat. |
214 | 27.09.2021 | OFFICE OF THE RETURNING OFFICER MAHE MUNICIPALITY: NOTIFICATION: Puducherry Municipal Councils (Election of Chairman) Rules, 1996, the Returning Officer of Mahe Municipal Wards hereby provides for Municipal Wards, with the previous approval of the State Election Commissioner, Puducherry, the Polling Stations specified in the appended list for polling areas or group of voters noted against each. |
215 | 28.09.2021 | OFFICE OF THE DISTRICT MAGISTRATE AT PUDUCHERRY: NOTIFICATION: Local Body Elections to Puducherry Legislative Assembly will be in three phases on 21-10-2021, 25-10-2021 and 28-10-2021 and consequent to this announcement, the Model Code of Conduct has came into force with immediate effect |
216 | 28.09.2021 | STATE ELECTION COMMISSION: NOTIFICATION: State Election Commissioner, Puducherry, hereby designates the Assistant Returning Officers as specified in Column (3) as against the Officers specified in column (4) for conducting Election of Council Members of Commune Panchayat Councils, Presidents and Members of Village Panchayats from the Commune Panchayat Wards, Village Panchayat Wards and Village Panchayats. |
217 | 28.09.2021 | STATE ELECTION COMMISSION: NOTIFICATION: State Election Commissioner, Puducherry, hereby designates the Officer of the Government of Puducherry specified in column (3) of the Table below as the Assistant Returning Officer of all the Municipal Wards of Oulgaret Municipality in the place of Officer specified earlier. |
218 | 28.09.2021 | STATE ELECTION COMMISSION: NOTIFICATION: State Election Commissioner, Puducherry, hereby designates the Returning Officer as specified in the Column (3) as against the Officer specified in Column (4) for conducting election of Members of Commune Panchayat Councils and Presidents and Members of Village Panchayats. |
219 | 29.09.2021 | STATE ELECTION COMMISSION: NOTIFICATION: State Election Commissioner, Puducherry, hereby designates the Assistant Returning Officers as specified in Column (3) as against the officers specified in column (4) for conducting Election of Council Members of Commune Panchayat Councils, Presidents and Member of Village Panchayats from the Commune Panchayat Wards, Village Panchayat Wards and Village Panchayats. |
220 | 29.09.2021 | OFFICE OF THE RETURNING OFFICER OULGARET MUNICIPALITY: NOTIFICATION: Returning Officer of Oulgaret Municipal Wards hereby provides for Municipal Wards, with the previous approval of the State Election Commissioner, Puducherry (he Polling Stations specified in the revised appended list for polling areas or group of voters noted against each. |
221 | 29.09.2021 | DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE AND DISASTER MANAGEMENT: NOTIFICATION: State Election Commission, Puducherry, has issued instructions for prevention of defacement of property and other campaign related items for the smooth and fair conduct of elections by maintaining law and order. |
222 | 29.09.2021 | HOME DEPARTMENT: NOTIFICATION: Lieutenant-Governor, Puducherry, hereby appoints the officers mentioned under column (2) in the Annexure as “Special Executive Magistrates” with effect from the date of enforcement of Model Code of Conduct. |
223 | 29.09.2021 | STATE ELECTION COMMISSION: NOTIFICATION: State Election Commissioner, Puducherry, hereby designates the Assistant Returning Officers as specified in Column (3) as against the officers specified in column (4) for conducting election of Council Members of Commune Panchayat Councils, Presidents and Members of Village Panchayats from the Commune Panchayat Wards, Village Panchayat Wards and Village Panchayats-Kottucherry. |
224 | 30.09.2021 | STATE ELECTION COMMISSION: NOTIFICATION: State Election Commission appoints the officials as Expenditure Observers and Assistant Expenditure Observers for Civic Elections-2021. |
225 | 30.09.2021 | THE DISTRICT MAGISTRATE AT KARAIKAL: NOTIFICATION: State Election Commission of Puducherry, has announced on 22-09-2021 that the schedule for the Puducherry State Civic Elections, 2021 will be held on 21-10-2021 and as soon as this announcement of the Election schedule, the Model Code of Conduct has come into force with immediate effect. |
226 | 30.09.2021 | STATE ELECTION COMMISSION: NOTIFICATION: Puducherry Village and Commune Panchayats (Conduct of Election of Members of Commune Panchayat Councils and Presidents and Members of Village Panchayats) Amendment Rules, 2004. The State Election Commission hereby makes the following Amendments in the Notification of even number, dated 25-08-2021 and Notification No. SEC/1-6(P)/Civic Elec./2021/726, dated 21-09-2021. |
227 | 30.09.2021 | STATE ELECTION COMMISSION: NOTIFICATION: Puducherry Municipal Councils (Conduct of Election of Councillors) Amendment Rules, 2004. The State Election Commission hereby makes the following Amendments in the notification of even number, dated 24-08-2021 and Notification No. SEC/1-6(M)/Civic Elec./2021/718, Puducherry, dated 21-09-2021. |
228 | 30.09.2021 | ELECTIONS DEPARTMENT: NOTIFICATION: Election Commission of India, hereby appoints, in consultation with the Government of Puducherry, the officer of the Govemment specified in column (2) of the Table below, as the Assistant Electoral Registration Officer to assist the Electoral Registration Officer of the Assembly Constituency in the Union territory of Puducherry, as specified in the column (1) of the said Table against such officer of the Government. |
229 | 30.09.2021 | COMMERCIAL TAXES SECRETARIAT: NOTIFICATION: Puducherry Goods and Services Tax Act, 2017 (Act No. 6 of 2017) [hereafter in this notification referred to as the said Act], the Lieutenant-Governor, Puducherry, on the recommendations of the Council and in supersession of the notification of the Commercial Taxes Secretariat, Government of Puducherry issued vide G.O. Ms. No. 72, dated 10th December, 2020. |
230 | 30.09.2021 | COMMERCIAL TAXES SECRETARIAT: NOTIFICATION: Puducherry Goods and Services Tax Act, 2017 (Act No. 6 of 2017), the Lieutenant-Governor, Puducherry, on the recommendations of the Council, hereby makes the following further amendments in the notification of the Commercial Taxes Secretariat, Government of Puducherry issued vide G.O. Ms. No. 6, dated 14th January, 2019. |
231 | 30.09.2021 | COMMERCIAL TAXES SECRETARIAT: NOTIFICATION: Puducherry Goods and Services Tax Act, 2017 (Act No. 6 of 2017) the Lieutenant-Governor, Puducherry, on the recommendations of the Council, hereby notifies that where a registration has been cancelled under clause (b) or (c) of sub-section (2) of section 29 of the said Act and the time-limit for making an application of revocation of cancellation of registration under sub-section (1) of section 30 of the said Act falls during the period from the 1st day of March, 2020 to the 31st day of August, 2021, the time-limit for making such application shall be extended up to the 30th day of September, 2021. |
232 | 30.09.2021 | COMMERCIAL TAXES SECRETARIAT: NOTIFICATION: Commercial Taxes Secretariat, Government of Puducherry issued vide G.O. Ms. No. 5/2021-Puducherry GST (Rate), dated 14th June, 2021 and published in the Gazette of Puducherry, Extraordinary Part-I, No. 146, dated 14th June, 2021, on page 1535, in the Table, against Sl.No. 8, in column (2), for “3804 94” read “3808 94”. |
233 | 30.09.2021 | COMMERCIAL TAXES SECRETARIAT: NOTIFICATION: Puducherry Goods and Services Tax Act, 2017 (Act No. 6 of 2017), the Lieutenant-Governor, Puducherry, on being satisfied that it is necessary in the public interest so to do, on the recommendations of the Council, hereby makes the following amendments in the notification of the Commercial Taxes Secretariat, Government of Puducherry issued vide G.O. Ms. No. 11/2017- Puducherry GST (Rate), dated 29th June, 2017, published in the Gazette of Puducherry, Extraordinary Part-I, No. 95, dated 29th June, 2017. |
234 | 30.09.2021 | THE SUBDIVISIONAL MAGISTRATE (NORTH): ORDER: M.C. No. 263/2021 of I.R. No. 70/2021 Under Section 144 of Cr.P.C./2437. |