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January 2025 - Extraordinary Part-II
Date of Issue Contents
1 09.01.2025

OULGARET MUNICIPALITY: NOTIFICATION: Draft Bye-Laws called Oulgaret Municipality Outdoor Media Device Bye-Laws, 2024 for regulation over the Outdoor Media Devices such as hoardings, banners, wall paintings, etc., is hereby notified to safeguard the public within the jurisdiction of Oulgaret Municipality.

2 09.01.2025

PONDICHERRY MUNICIPALITY, PUDUCHERRY: NOTIFICATION: Bye-Laws for regulation over the Outdoor Media Devices such as hoardings, banners, wall paintings, etc., is hereby notified to safeguard the public within the jurisdiction of Pondicherry Municipality and in exercise of the powers conferred by section 443 of the Puducherry Municipalities Act, 1973.

3 13.01.2025

CHIEF SECRETARIAT (FISHERIES): AMENDMENT NOTIFICATION: Approval of the Lieutenant-Governor, Puducherry, is hereby conveyed for making changes in the modalities to be followed for disbursement of compensation to the affected fishermen of Yanam region towards loss of livelihood due to the laying of 20” gas export pipeline from offshore platform t o onshore pl ant at Mal lavaram Village in East Godavari District, Andhra Pradesh through the Yanam area of the Union territory of Puducherry.

4 23.01.2025

PONDICHERRY MUNICIPALITY, PUDUCHERRY: NOTIFICATION: Bye-Laws may be called the Pondicherry Municipality Bye-laws for granting permission and Licence (Entertainment and Trade) for Entertainment Activities, 2024.

5 24.01.2025

CHIEF SECRETARIAT (ADI DRAVIDAR WELFARE AND SCHEDULED TRIBES WELFARE): NOTIFICATION: The Lieutenant-Governor, Puducherry, is pleased to accord approval to enhance the quantum of financial assistance granted to the Inter-Caste Married Couples and for the said purpose hereby makes the following further Amendments to the Scheme “Incentive for Inter-Caste
Marriage” notified vide G.O. Ms. No. 13/79-HEW(HW), dated 31st January, 1979 of the Health, Electricity and Works Department, Puducherry.

6 27.01.2025

CHIEF SECRETARIAT (COOPERATION): NOTIFICATION: The Lieutenant-Governor, Government of Puducherry, is pleased to approve “The Scheme for Assistance to the Members of Dairy Co-operatives and Self Help Group for purchase of Elite Milch Cows/ Buffaloes extending 75% subsidy in the Union territory of Puducherry”.

7 31.01.2025

HEALTH SECRETARIAT: NOTIFICATION: The Lieutenant-Governor is pleased to extend the benefits of the “Ayushman Bharat – Prathan Mantri Jan Arogya Yojana (AB – PMJAY)” to the senior citizens of aged 70 years and above in the Union territory of Puducherry.